Saturday, December 22, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012


He definitely has the look down. The talent will soon follow!

Finn is showing off his big Smith toe that may give him an edge in sports one day!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Finn had to get a hair cut a couple weeks ago. 
I didn't cut the top, just evened up the bottom. I seriously had to cut an inch off some parts.

  Jersey and I were playing with Finn's hair and stuck it all up and sent Dad these funny pictures!

Jersey got her first hair cut by a professional. Not me this time. She was worried the whole time Tina would cut it short like a boy. Good thing we only got a trim!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

We enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving feast at Tucanos. It was our year to spend with the Smiths and Brad and Dana were literally moving that week. I actually really liked going out! Tucanos had all of their normal food, plus four kinds of turkey and every kind of Thanksgiving feast food! The food was delicious and we didn't have to clean up!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Visiting Daddy

I'm playing catch up...
In November we went down to St. George to spend some time with Jordan because he was working down there. I drove down in the first big storm of the year! Smart! But we missed him so much we couldn't wait.

Even though Jordan has a crazy work schedule, we are so grateful for his job and the experience he is getting!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

3 Months

I missed posting about Finn turning 3 months.  These pictures were all from before he turned 3 months.  He is closer to 4 months now, but I didn't want to not post these cute pictures of him.

Absolutely love this picture of Finn and Jersey!

What we look like in the mornings!

We love our Finn! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Halloween Fun 2012

Smith Family Fear Factor Party

Murder Mystery Dinner

Jersey Halloween Preschool Program
Jersey seemed like she had just stepped off broadway in her music program.  She was singing louder than everyone and had the best facials to go along with her songs.  Jersey's animated self was so fun to watch!

Jersey's Dance Class Party
Jersey had dance on halloween and they got to show all the parents a darling halloween dance.

Trunk or Treating at the Dealership

Halloween Day

Trick or Treating


As you can see we had many Halloween celebrations.  We actually went to another party that I am not allowed to post pictures of, because it was a cross dressing party... And some of the guys looked way to good as girls!

Finn was so little for his first Halloween, but he was the cutest Mickey Mouse ever!

Jersey loved every minute of it. Ever since Halloween Jersey has been talking about what she is going to be next year. She doesn't realized how far away it is.

We had fun, except we missed Daddy on Halloween Day.  He was out of town for work! Bummer!